Survey Sampling and Data Acquisition

Insight provides a range of consulting and training services in Survey Sampling and Data Acquisition.

Data enters a science and engineering project through a number of mechanisms including the Internet of Things (with the broadest variety of electronic sensors) and survey questionnaires. As such tools are needed for a variety of tasks including:

  • Survey Sampling - designing where and when to collect data to ensure optimal data quality and that the collected data is truly representative of the physical system to be understood.

  • Data Acquisition - using a variety of electronic hardware and software to collect the required data.

A good example of Survey Sampling and Data Acquisition from our current work at Insight concerns the resolution of medical imaging data. Within every medical imaging session radiologists and radiographers need to carefully weigh up the quality of the data being collected versus the length of time that a patient needs to spend in the scanner. Insight staff are currently working on new techniques for data acquisition for MRI imaging.

See details about our current work.

See details about our technologies for Data Acquisition.

See details about the training that we provide.