Survey Questionnaires

Insight provides a range of consulting and training services in the the design, data collection, and analysis of Survey Questionnaires.

It is easy to design a survey questionnaire, it is difficult to design a survey well. A well-designed survey produces high quality data by considering a number of aspects including:

  • Clearly understood questions (that mean the same thing to all survey respondents and the study team, that are easy to answer, and that measure the data that the survey teams really wants to collect).

  • Having a group of survey respondents that are truly representative of the population that the study team really want to understand.


Insight can help design and review proposed questionnaires, to help you with the technology (hardware and software) required for data collection (or to conduct online surveys for you), to assess data quality as it’s obtained, to prepare data for analysis, and to conduct the statistical analyses.


Mark is currently working with the cohort of 600 Research and Higher Degree students at Central Queensland University, where he works one-to-one with students in the review of their proposed surveys and in their data analyses. This service is also coordinated and funded centrally by the CQU School of Graduate Research.


Insight is a Company Partner of the Research Society in Australia, and Insight CEO, Dr Mark Griffin, is certified as a Qualified Professional Researcher with the society.


See details about our current work with Engineering Data.

See more details about our consulting and IT support services for Survey Questionnaires.

See details about the training that we provide.