Data Visualization

“A picture is worth a thousand words” … Insight provides a range of consulting and training services in Data Visualization.

Data visualization plays two key roles in the engineering profession:

  • Technical diagrams for a specialized audience – for people with advanced engineering skills we want to display a complex dataset in a format that is of most benefit to them

  • Simpler diagrams for the general public – often we will find patterns in our datasets that we want to communicate to a broader audience, but where we know that a majority of this audience will have little previous exposure to numeric data and can easily get lost in the data


In both cases stakeholders will be making difficult business decisions based on the data (such as what level of support they want to give to proposed engineering projects), but also want to be able to understand the patterns in the data as quickly and easily as possible. As a result it requires significant skill to design data visualization that is as meaningful as possible for different audiences.

See details about our current work.

See details about the training that we provide.