Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation plays a key role in science and engineering in a number of ways including:

  • Gaining feedback from stakeholders about an engineering product or facility. This product or facility can be in an initial proposal stage, moving through iterations of continuous development, or has been finalized (a product released to the market or a facility that has been opened to users).

  • Measuring and monitoring significant events (such as the number of products created on an assembly line, or the number of workplace health and safety incidents).

  • Small or major production trials to assess factors such as quality assurance and safety.

In addition Monitoring and Evaluation may be used in a number of ways including gaining a single snapshot at a specific point in time, or conducted in an ongoing fashion to track key metrics in real-time. Data for Monitoring and Evaluation is created in a number of ways including qualitative research (interviews and focus groups with stakeholders), surveys, and the Internet of Things.

Insight is an expert in Monitoring and Evaluation, where Insight is a Company Partner of the Research Society and Insight CEO, Dr Mark Griffin, is a Qualified Professional Researcher with the Society.

Insight provides a number of services for Monitoring and Evaluation (including design, data collection, data analysis, and reporting). These include:

In addition to our consulting services, Insight provides two key training opportunities about Monitoring and Evaluation: